Theoretischer Ansatz
Modelling, Simulation and Visualization
In general, spatial modelling and simulation allow depicting a complex reality in a simple manner in order to explore and evaluate a priori interventions and their spatial impacts (Voigt 2011).
3D models and visualisations are commonly used to overcome lack of communication between different parties (e.g. laypeople, general public and planners) as they can translate conventional drawings into a format being more understood (Pietsch 1999, Hall 1996). Lack of communication and lack of mutual understanding regarding spatial problems can lead to an inconsistency in the planning and design process. Hence, a 3D model often works as a communication tool and can be seen as supporting tool for a decision making process for improving the built environment and further a sustainable and sustaining one (Roupé, Johansson 2010). Link
Abb.1 Visualisation SIM:LAB - TU Wien
Strategic Planning and Informed-Decision Making
For the herein presented research we work with the idea of strategic planning and informed-decision making. Thus, we need to understand how strategic planning works and its added value for a sustainable and sustaining built environment with a special focus on energy-relevant questions and answers. Link
Abb. 2 Visualisation SIM:LAB - TU Wien
Space Syntax
Space Syntax falls into the framework of strategic planning. The brief description of space syntax supports to understand why and how space syntax can support a research addressing energy-related questions. Link
Abb. 3 Space Syntax, Feldkirch SIM:LAB - TU Wien